

A room with many windows and furniture in it
A room with wooden floors and green walls.
The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum (group events)
A candle and some shelves with a statue on them
The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum (group events)
A room with a table and some lights
The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum (massage & energy healing)
A bedroom with blue walls and wooden floors.
The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum (Energy Healing and Massage Sessions)
A corner of a room with a white couch and wooden floor.
The Ananda Room (Sacred Ceremony & Meditation with the Divine)
A bedroom with blue walls and wooden floors.
The Dragonfly Room (Sessions with crystal PEMF mat and Rife Machine)
A house with stairs leading to the front door.
Higher Self Healing Sanctum – 2045 1st Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33713