Communing with the Divine

The Communing with the Divine experience is a sacred 2 hour and 20 minute session unique to Higher Self Massage & Healing.  It brings you powerfully within, as you are held in the presence of the Divine.  It is a powerful and moving experience where many have received Divine guidance, blissful experiences of Oneness, Home, and Divine Source energy, direct Knowing, and Divine messages.  This Communing with the Divine experience was designed to allow people to sit directly with the Divine, to experience a coming Home to the Truth of Who they Are, and to feel the energy of the Holiest of Holies, within and all around them.










The Communing with the Divine starts with a sacred energetic ablution and charging in the Dragonfly Room where you start on the PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Mat – a bed of crystals (including amethyst, tourmaline, jade, copper, quartz, and obsidian) that are gently heated and emit negative ion therapy, far infra-red therapy, magnetic therapy, and gemstone energetic therapy.  The mat also emits photon light therapy and pulsed electromagnetic therapy.  This potent therapeutic session cleanses the energy field, increases your energetic vibration and brings the energy field into greater coherence.  It enhances your body’s overall functioning at a cellular level, naturally detoxifies and cleanses, aids in cellular regeneration, and creates a grounding and calming effect, among many other benefits.  As you lay on this crystal bed, breathing in the ionized air and aromatherapy (therapeutic grade essential oils custom blended in a diffuser for your sacred experience) and listening to sacred ceremonial music gently playing in the room, you drop into a healing and deep meditative state.

From there, you are brought to the sacred foot soak, where your feet are immersed in warm water with epsom salts, essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, sage and frankincense, sprigs of lavender and rose petals, eucalyptus leaves, dried lavender and sage.  Here, Christine or the facilitator of the experience is kneeling at your feet, bringing the energies of Mary Magdalene and Christ, as she gently washes your feet in the soak and chants sacred chants filling your soul, calling you Home, and awakening you to your Truth.  Then she gently dries your feet, and anoints them with the sacred oil of Spikenard, used by Mary Magdalene on Christ’s feet.  She then anoints your heart with sacred rose oil, the master healer of all oils, and anoints the palms of your hands, your third eye and crown with sacred oils, such as Palo Santo, Frankincense, and Magnolia.  Finally, you are asked to stand as she smudges your entire energy field and body with sacred burning sage, feathering the smudging smokes through your field, front, back and sides for the final cleanse and anointing.  You are now prepared to enter the Ananda room to begin your Communing with the Divine ceremony.

As you enter the Ananda room, you enter a room filled with energetic light, windows and sunlight, candles, and fairy white lights.  It is a room filled with quartz crystals and the most Divine white light energy…a very high, pure frequency that enables a deep and powerful access to and experience of the Divine.  Here, you sit for ceremonial shou puerh tea, which also facilitates enter higher dimensions and going beyond the veil (this is an ancient non-psychoactive tea from China which does have some caffeine it it but not as much as coffee).  Upon sitting for tea, you light the incense provided and say a prayer or set an intention for your Communing with the Divine.  The first cup of tea is poured for the Divine, a cup sitting directly in front of the powerful and sacred Himalayan Quartz Crystal.  The rest of the cups you pour for yourself to drink.

As you sip the sacred ceremonial tea, and breath the incense, you drop into a deeper and deeper meditative state.  Often in this place, you will receive Divine guidance, inspiration, messages, clarity, or deep knowings.  Often in this place, emotions may process and healing or coming into a state of wholeness takes place.  A journal is provided for you to record any messages or guidance, or to process any emotions that surface (these pages are for you to take home).  Upon completing tea, you may lay upon the white mat under the Angel wings for Divine White Light healing.  You are in a very accessible state to receive this high vibration, pure divine healing.  You may experience bliss, oneness, connection to all that is, or a deep coming home.  You may be worked on by your angels and guides, and by the Divine energies in the room.  It is a sacred holy space.  After receiving this experience and/or healing, you may feel called to receive additional messages or confirmation through high vibration oracle card decks which have been hand-selected by Christine.  You may draw cards and do personal reading for yourself from any or all of the decks, and often clients find the cards they draw are perfectly aligned and confirming with the Divine messages, clarity, healing, guidance and inspiration they previously received in the session.  The journal is also available for you to take any notes from your oracle card readings.

When the ceremony is complete, the remaining tea and tea leaves, including the cup of tea poured for the Divine, along with the sacred waters from your foot soak and ablution, are poured onto the earth beneath the majestic oak out front of Higher Self Massage & Healing.  Your Communing with the Divine experience is complete, and you return home to gently integrate.

Cost of this exquisite, Divine experience is $228.