Awakening Journeys
Awakening Journeys are 3-Month Intensives designed to take participants Home to the Truth of Who they Are, to facilitate this embodiment, and effect deep transformation, healing and awakening. They are powerful journeys that produce massive shifts (internally and often, as a result, externally) in the lives of those participating, and produce a profound anchoring into, embodiment of, and oneness with the Sacred I Am.
REBIRTHING JOURNEYA 3-Month Intensive Awakening Journey
What is it to experience Rebirth, Resurrection? There is a shedding, a dissolving, a death if you will, of the illusory veils, identifications, false beliefs and images of who you are or what reality is, and from the ashes of the death of these false images and beliefs arises the rebirth, the resurrection of the Truth of Who You all your freedom, glory, magnificence, truth, beauty, love, power, peace and wholeness. This is the alchemy of Rebirth. It is the rising of the phoenix from the ashes.
During my spiritual pilgrimage in Egypt from which I just returned, I found the theme of Rebirth/Resurrection portrayed and played out in every ancient Temple, Tomb, and Pyramid that I explored and experienced. The temples typically have inner chambers that are in darkness, that are meant for going deep within where the ancient Gods and Goddesses work on you, and then passageways up to the rooftops to be rebirthed into the sun, receiving the power of Ra (Sun God). I personally experienced a very deep and powerful rebirth. I met my darkest pain in the inner chambers of the Isis Temple in Deir Shelwit, received deep heart healing there by Isis and Osiris, and then entered the passageway up to the roof for it all to be transmuted in the light of Ra. I experienced profound transformative energy in the upper chamber of the Khufu Pyramid, and received sacred, powerful activations, initiations, and remembrances in the Karnak Temple in the arms of Sekhmet. I bring these potent energies of transformation, activation, initiation, Rebirth and Resurrection to this Awakening Journey Template. If you feel at all drawn or called to put yourself into this life-changing Rebirthing Journey, I urge you to heed the call. Something profoundly powerful is waiting for you.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Rebirthing Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Saturday, March 1, 2025, 7:00-8:30pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon's Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon's Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 10am-1pmSaturday, April 26th, 2025, 10am-1pmSaturday, May 17th, 2025, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Communing with the Divine sessions (with PEMF mat and Foot Soak Purification Preparation)(1 per month at 2 hours & 20 minutes each)Your energy field and body will be prepared for the sacred communion with the Divine with 20-30 minutes on the PEMF mat where you will receive crystal, far infra-red, magnetic, light photon, ionization and pulsed electro-magnetic field therapies, cleansing and bringing your energy field into coherence and high vibration, as you breath in aromatherapy and ionized air, followed by a ceremonial foot soak in Epsom salts with sacred essential oils, and rose, lavender, and eucalyptus petals. Here, Christine is knelt at your feet, as she washes them and sings/channels while connecting deeply with your soul, and then anoints your feet with the sacred essential oil spikenard, as Magdalene did with Christ. She then anoints the palms of your hands, heart, 3rd eye, and crown of your head with sacred essential oils. Your field is then smudged and cleansed with burning sage to complete this sacred ablution, at which time you are granted entrance into the Ananda room for sacred ceremony and communion with the Divine. Here, you will be provided ceremonial Shou Pu'erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks Christine has personally selected, receive divine white light healing as you lay under angel wings surrounded by candles, and are worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received, and commune with the Holiest of Holies. To be scheduled individually(Purification takes place in the Dragonfly Room and sacred ceremony in The Ananda Room at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonySunday, June 1st, 2025, 7-9pm (2 hours)(At a beach in St. Petersburg for rebirth immersion in the ocean, weather permitting, otherwise in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in a sacred, safe container for your own journey and rebirthing process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to experience and embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Rebirthing Journey is $4500Payment is due in full by February 25, 2025, or may be made in 3 installments:$1500 by March 1, 2025 $1500 by April 1, 2025$1500 by May 1, 2025
A trimmed journey offering at a discounted rate of $3400 (and may be paid in full by February 2 5th, or in 3 installment payments of $1134 each by above dates) is available to those who may have budgetary concerns (although the full journey is recommended if possible). The discounted journey includes:8 Energy Healing sessions1 90-minute massage2 Communing with the Divine Ceremonies3 Group Process/Journey Deepening SessionsInitiation/Invocation & Closing CeremoniesReview of Statement of LongingBeing held in a sacred template Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1500 or $1134 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than February 25, 2025. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after February 25, 2025.
During my spiritual pilgrimage in Egypt from which I just returned, I found the theme of Rebirth/Resurrection portrayed and played out in every ancient Temple, Tomb, and Pyramid that I explored and experienced. The temples typically have inner chambers that are in darkness, that are meant for going deep within where the ancient Gods and Goddesses work on you, and then passageways up to the rooftops to be rebirthed into the sun, receiving the power of Ra (Sun God). I personally experienced a very deep and powerful rebirth. I met my darkest pain in the inner chambers of the Isis Temple in Deir Shelwit, received deep heart healing there by Isis and Osiris, and then entered the passageway up to the roof for it all to be transmuted in the light of Ra. I experienced profound transformative energy in the upper chamber of the Khufu Pyramid, and received sacred, powerful activations, initiations, and remembrances in the Karnak Temple in the arms of Sekhmet. I bring these potent energies of transformation, activation, initiation, Rebirth and Resurrection to this Awakening Journey Template. If you feel at all drawn or called to put yourself into this life-changing Rebirthing Journey, I urge you to heed the call. Something profoundly powerful is waiting for you.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Rebirthing Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Saturday, March 1, 2025, 7:00-8:30pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon's Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon's Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 10am-1pmSaturday, April 26th, 2025, 10am-1pmSaturday, May 17th, 2025, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Communing with the Divine sessions (with PEMF mat and Foot Soak Purification Preparation)(1 per month at 2 hours & 20 minutes each)Your energy field and body will be prepared for the sacred communion with the Divine with 20-30 minutes on the PEMF mat where you will receive crystal, far infra-red, magnetic, light photon, ionization and pulsed electro-magnetic field therapies, cleansing and bringing your energy field into coherence and high vibration, as you breath in aromatherapy and ionized air, followed by a ceremonial foot soak in Epsom salts with sacred essential oils, and rose, lavender, and eucalyptus petals. Here, Christine is knelt at your feet, as she washes them and sings/channels while connecting deeply with your soul, and then anoints your feet with the sacred essential oil spikenard, as Magdalene did with Christ. She then anoints the palms of your hands, heart, 3rd eye, and crown of your head with sacred essential oils. Your field is then smudged and cleansed with burning sage to complete this sacred ablution, at which time you are granted entrance into the Ananda room for sacred ceremony and communion with the Divine. Here, you will be provided ceremonial Shou Pu'erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks Christine has personally selected, receive divine white light healing as you lay under angel wings surrounded by candles, and are worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received, and commune with the Holiest of Holies. To be scheduled individually(Purification takes place in the Dragonfly Room and sacred ceremony in The Ananda Room at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonySunday, June 1st, 2025, 7-9pm (2 hours)(At a beach in St. Petersburg for rebirth immersion in the ocean, weather permitting, otherwise in The Dragon's Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in a sacred, safe container for your own journey and rebirthing process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to experience and embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Rebirthing Journey is $4500Payment is due in full by February 25, 2025, or may be made in 3 installments:$1500 by March 1, 2025 $1500 by April 1, 2025$1500 by May 1, 2025
A trimmed journey offering at a discounted rate of $3400 (and may be paid in full by February 2 5th, or in 3 installment payments of $1134 each by above dates) is available to those who may have budgetary concerns (although the full journey is recommended if possible). The discounted journey includes:8 Energy Healing sessions1 90-minute massage2 Communing with the Divine Ceremonies3 Group Process/Journey Deepening SessionsInitiation/Invocation & Closing CeremoniesReview of Statement of LongingBeing held in a sacred template Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1500 or $1134 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than February 25, 2025. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after February 25, 2025.
ONENESS JOURNEYA 3-Month Intensive Awakening Journey
This immersive Awakening Journey delves into the last two (of the eleven) aspects of the Divine – I am Am-ness/Oneness, and from that place, entering into holy consecration with the Divine Feminine/Black Velvet Void Womb of Creation, I am Creator/Creatrix/Creation…simultaneously. This is an incredibly powerful Awakening Journey…the antidote to the prevailing dis-ease of Disconnect and Separation that plagues our experience of life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Oneness is the Truth of Who We Are. Here, there is no longer any illusion of separation. There is a complete remembering of, a complete coming Home to, a complete Being in at-one-ment. Everything is One and everything is the Divine – which means we can access Enlightenment, Samadhi, the Ananda state by becoming one with anything…even a grain of sand. This high oneness state of the Divine enters into holy union with the Divine Feminine/Black Velvet Void, where they whisper to one another, in eternal co-creation…and in this place we experience the 11th Aspect of the Divine, “I Am Creator/Creatrix/Creation,” simultaneously. This means I am constantly creating my world, my life, my reality, and the world, life and reality I am creating is also constantly creating me. In this place we access the power and ability to be conscious creator/creatrixes and to experience how our creations simultaneously influence and create us as creator/creatrixes. We also are able to experience the immense pleasure we receive in our creations, in our creation and creative process, and as conscious creator/creatrixes.
This Divinely-guided 3-Month Intensive will provide the sacred space and a powerful template to facilitate this experience of Oneness. To allow it to become a palpable, experiential way of being in your life on a daily basis. It is designed to exponentially accelerate the awakening process for those participating, and is part of the Awakening Series – a series of Journeys that I have been Divinely guided to offer, for the Awakening of humanity and beyond. Higher Self has become a Mystery School for Awakening…for the individuals called to participate, and for the planet. What is possible for you out of this work is limitless, and as always, Divinely-guided and supported.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Oneness Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Friday, September 6, 2024, 7:00-8:30pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, September 21st, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, October 19th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, November 16th, 2024, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Communing with the Divine sessions(1 per month at 2 hours & 20 minutes each)Your energy field and body will be prepared for the sacred communion with the Divine with 20-30 minutes on the PEMF mat where you will receive crystal, infra-red and pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy, cleansing and bringing your energy field into coherence and high vibration, as you breath in aromatherapy and ionized air, followed by a Magdalene/Christ ceremonial foot soak in epsom salts with sacred essential oils, rose, lavender, sage and/or eucalyptus petals, while your field is smudged and cleansed with burning sage. After this sacred ablution, you will be anointed with sacred oils on the feet, palms of the hands, heart, 3rd eye, and crown of the head, and granted entrance into the Ananda room for sacred ceremony and communion with the Divine. Here, you will be provided ceremonial Shou Pu’erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks I have personally selected, receive divine white light healing as you lay under angel wings surrounded by candles, and are worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received. and commune with the Holiest of Holies. To be scheduled individually(Purification takes place in the Dragonfly Room and sacred ceremony in The Ananda Room at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonyFriday, December 6th, 2024, 7-9pm (2 hours)(In The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in a sacred, safe container for your own journey and oneness process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to experience and embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Oneness Journey is $4800A discounted rate of $4500 is offered to those who pay in full by September 5th, 2024, or for those who have previously completed the Rebirthing or Embodiment Journey. Payment may also be made in 3 installments:$1600 by September 5, 2024 $1600 by October 1, 2024$1600 by November 1, 2024
A trimmed journey offering at a discounted rate of $3400 (if paid in full by September 5th, otherwise $3600 if doing installment payments at $1200 each by above dates) is available to those who may have budgetary concerns (although the full journey is recommended if possible). The discounted journey includes:7 Energy Healing sessions1 90-minute massage2 Communing with the Divine Ceremonies3 Group Process/Journey Deepening SessionsInitiation/Invocation & Closing CeremoniesReview of Statement of LongingBeing held in a sacred template Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1600 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than September 5, 2024. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after September 5, 2024.
This Divinely-guided 3-Month Intensive will provide the sacred space and a powerful template to facilitate this experience of Oneness. To allow it to become a palpable, experiential way of being in your life on a daily basis. It is designed to exponentially accelerate the awakening process for those participating, and is part of the Awakening Series – a series of Journeys that I have been Divinely guided to offer, for the Awakening of humanity and beyond. Higher Self has become a Mystery School for Awakening…for the individuals called to participate, and for the planet. What is possible for you out of this work is limitless, and as always, Divinely-guided and supported.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Oneness Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Friday, September 6, 2024, 7:00-8:30pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, September 21st, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, October 19th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, November 16th, 2024, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Communing with the Divine sessions(1 per month at 2 hours & 20 minutes each)Your energy field and body will be prepared for the sacred communion with the Divine with 20-30 minutes on the PEMF mat where you will receive crystal, infra-red and pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy, cleansing and bringing your energy field into coherence and high vibration, as you breath in aromatherapy and ionized air, followed by a Magdalene/Christ ceremonial foot soak in epsom salts with sacred essential oils, rose, lavender, sage and/or eucalyptus petals, while your field is smudged and cleansed with burning sage. After this sacred ablution, you will be anointed with sacred oils on the feet, palms of the hands, heart, 3rd eye, and crown of the head, and granted entrance into the Ananda room for sacred ceremony and communion with the Divine. Here, you will be provided ceremonial Shou Pu’erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks I have personally selected, receive divine white light healing as you lay under angel wings surrounded by candles, and are worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received. and commune with the Holiest of Holies. To be scheduled individually(Purification takes place in the Dragonfly Room and sacred ceremony in The Ananda Room at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonyFriday, December 6th, 2024, 7-9pm (2 hours)(In The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in a sacred, safe container for your own journey and oneness process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to experience and embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Oneness Journey is $4800A discounted rate of $4500 is offered to those who pay in full by September 5th, 2024, or for those who have previously completed the Rebirthing or Embodiment Journey. Payment may also be made in 3 installments:$1600 by September 5, 2024 $1600 by October 1, 2024$1600 by November 1, 2024
A trimmed journey offering at a discounted rate of $3400 (if paid in full by September 5th, otherwise $3600 if doing installment payments at $1200 each by above dates) is available to those who may have budgetary concerns (although the full journey is recommended if possible). The discounted journey includes:7 Energy Healing sessions1 90-minute massage2 Communing with the Divine Ceremonies3 Group Process/Journey Deepening SessionsInitiation/Invocation & Closing CeremoniesReview of Statement of LongingBeing held in a sacred template Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1600 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than September 5, 2024. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after September 5, 2024.
EMBODIMENT JOURNEYA 3-Month Intensive Awakening Journey
What is it to fully embody the Truth of Who You Are? To breath it…live it…to move, think, feel, speak, act and “be” from this place? What is it to have no separation between You and the Sacred I Am, where my will and Divine will are one? Where my breath and the breath of the Divine are one. Where you are a living, breathing, embodiment of the Divine walking this Earth Plane, Being the 5th Dimension, beyond linear 3-D Time/Space…being the Awakened state.
This Divinely-guided 3-Month Intensive will provide the sacred space and a powerful template to facilitate this Embodiment. To allow it to become a palpable, experiential way of being in your life on a daily basis. It is designed to exponentially accelerate the awakening process for those participating, and is part of the Awakening Series – a series of Journeys that I have been Divinely guided to offer for the Awakening of humanity and beyond. Higher Self has become a Mystery School for Awakening…for the individuals called to participate, and for the planet. What is possible for you out of this work is limitless, and as always, Divinely-guided and supported.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Embodiment Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Saturday, March 23rd, 2024, 7:30-9pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, May 18th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, June 15th, 2024, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Sacred Ceremony/Communing with the Divine sessions(2 hours 15 minutes each)You will begin in the Dragonfly room where you will receive 20-30 minutes of infra-red, crystal, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on the PEMF mat to clear, align, energize and bring into coherence your energy field while breathing in aromatherapy, followed by a sacred soaking of the feet with epsom salts, sacred essential oils, and lavender, rose, and eucalyptus leaves, while your energy field is smudged with feather and sage, followed by a sacred anointing with ceremonial essential oils on 3rd eye, heart, hands and feet. Following this sacred ablution/purification, you will enter the Ananda room where you will be provided ceremonial Pu’erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks I have personally selected, lay under angel wings, surrounded by candles and be worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received, and commune with the Holiest of Holies.
To be scheduled individually(in The Dragonfly and Ananda Rooms at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonySaturday, June 29th, 2024, 7-9pm (2 hours)(In The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in sacred, safe container for your own journey and embodiment process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Embodiment Journey is $4800A discounted rate of $4500 is offered to those who pay in full by March 22, 2024, or for those who have previously completed the Rebirthing Journey. Payment may also be made in 3 installments:$1600 by March 22, 2024 $1600 by May 1, 2024$1600 by June 1, 2024 Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1600 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than March 22, 2024. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after March 20, 2024.
This Divinely-guided 3-Month Intensive will provide the sacred space and a powerful template to facilitate this Embodiment. To allow it to become a palpable, experiential way of being in your life on a daily basis. It is designed to exponentially accelerate the awakening process for those participating, and is part of the Awakening Series – a series of Journeys that I have been Divinely guided to offer for the Awakening of humanity and beyond. Higher Self has become a Mystery School for Awakening…for the individuals called to participate, and for the planet. What is possible for you out of this work is limitless, and as always, Divinely-guided and supported.
This 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Embodiment Journeyincludes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony Saturday, March 23rd, 2024, 7:30-9pm (1.5 hours) (in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week at 1 hour each)To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage To be scheduled individually(in The Dragon’s Healing Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions (1/month at 3 hours each)Saturday, April 27th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, May 18th, 2024, 10am-1pmSaturday, June 15th, 2024, 10am-1pm(in The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* 3 Sacred Ceremony/Communing with the Divine sessions(2 hours 15 minutes each)You will begin in the Dragonfly room where you will receive 20-30 minutes of infra-red, crystal, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on the PEMF mat to clear, align, energize and bring into coherence your energy field while breathing in aromatherapy, followed by a sacred soaking of the feet with epsom salts, sacred essential oils, and lavender, rose, and eucalyptus leaves, while your energy field is smudged with feather and sage, followed by a sacred anointing with ceremonial essential oils on 3rd eye, heart, hands and feet. Following this sacred ablution/purification, you will enter the Ananda room where you will be provided ceremonial Pu’erh tea, as you drop into deep meditation amidst powerful high vibration quartz crystals from around the world, draw oracle cards from spiritual decks I have personally selected, lay under angel wings, surrounded by candles and be worked on by the Divine, journal the deep insights, guidance and healing/awakening you have received, and commune with the Holiest of Holies.
To be scheduled individually(in The Dragonfly and Ananda Rooms at Higher Self)
* Closing CeremonySaturday, June 29th, 2024, 7-9pm (2 hours)(In The Dragon’s Inner Sanctum at Higher Self)
* being held in a powerful template and in sacred, safe container for your own journey and embodiment process throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge healing, transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, embodiment and awakening. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to embody the Truth of Who they Are, their Sacred I Am, at a depth and in a way not yet experienced.
Cost of the Embodiment Journey is $4800A discounted rate of $4500 is offered to those who pay in full by March 22, 2024, or for those who have previously completed the Rebirthing Journey. Payment may also be made in 3 installments:$1600 by March 22, 2024 $1600 by May 1, 2024$1600 by June 1, 2024 Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited. Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1600 deposit/1st installment payment for those opting for the payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than March 22, 2024. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation PolicySpots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits, partial payments or installment payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after March 20, 2024.
What is it to experience Rebirth, Resurrection? There is a shedding, a dissolving, a death if you will, of the illusory veils, identifications, false beliefs and images of who you are or what reality is, and from the ashes of the death of these false images and beliefs arises the rebirth, the resurrection of the Truth of Who You Are…in all your freedom, glory, magnificence, truth, beauty, love, power, peace and wholeness. This is the alchemy of Rebirth. It is the rising of the phoenix from the ashes. I have experienced the rebirthing process many times, each time resulting in me embodying the truth of who I am on a much deeper level, with more fullness and aliveness in my being, and being more deeply anchored into the Sacred I Am. I just returned from an incredibly powerful priestess pilgrimage in Avalon where I participated in sacred ceremonies in some of the most magical and powerful places in the world. During this journey, I was graced with the illumination of some pieces of deep forgetting that had distorted my experience of myself and of life, and subsequently received the medicine I needed to heal these deep wounds and places of forgetting, leading to my own rebirth. Having just experienced this powerful rebirth, as well as the many rebirths I have experienced up to this point, I carry this rebirthing medicine in me strongly and feel called to offer it to my clients who long to receive it.
In doing so, I am offering a 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Rebirthing Journey this year (2023) which includes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony
Sunday, August 27th, at 7:30pm (1.5 hours) at Higher Self
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week)
To be scheduled individually
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage
To be scheduled individually
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions
(1/month at 1 hour each) Saturday, September 23, at 10am, at Higher Self Saturday, October 21, at 10am, at Higher Self Saturday, November 18, at 10am, at Higher Self
* Closing Resurrection/Rebirthing ceremony
Sunday, December 3, at 5pm (1.5 hours) location to be determined (either the beach or Higher Self, weather determining)
* being held in a powerful template and in sacred, safe space for your own journey and rebirthing throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge transformation, transfiguration and rebirth. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to embody the truth of who they are on a level not yet experienced. It is especially powerful for those who are in transition in their life, for those experiencing grief or loss, for those who feel some plateau, stagnation, or blocks in their lives or in themselves, and for those who long to embody the truth of who they are on an exponentially deeper level.
Cost of the Rebirthing Journey is $3500
Payment in full due prior to commencement of the intensive. (If payment in full prior to commencement of the intensive prohibits anyone from participating and a payment plan is needed, please contact Christine for options) Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited.
Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1500 deposit/1st payment for those in need of a payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than August 25th. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation Policy
Spots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits or partial payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after August 25th, 2023.
In doing so, I am offering a 3-Month Intensive Healing/Awakening/Rebirthing Journey this year (2023) which includes:
* Initiation/Invocation Ceremony
Sunday, August 27th, at 7:30pm (1.5 hours) at Higher Self
* 13 Private Energy Healing Sessions (1/week)
To be scheduled individually
* 1 90-minute Massage or Higher Self Signature Massage
To be scheduled individually
* 3 Group Process/Journey-Deepening Sessions
(1/month at 1 hour each) Saturday, September 23, at 10am, at Higher Self Saturday, October 21, at 10am, at Higher Self Saturday, November 18, at 10am, at Higher Self
* Closing Resurrection/Rebirthing ceremony
Sunday, December 3, at 5pm (1.5 hours) location to be determined (either the beach or Higher Self, weather determining)
* being held in a powerful template and in sacred, safe space for your own journey and rebirthing throughout the intensive
* Reviewing your statement of intention and longing (to be completed prior to the initiation/start of the journey) and holding the essence of this for you throughout the intensive
This is an incredibly powerful intensive that can facilitate huge transformation, transfiguration and rebirth. It is designed specifically for those who want to take their lives, themselves, their healing and awakening not only to the next level, but who long to embody the truth of who they are on a level not yet experienced. It is especially powerful for those who are in transition in their life, for those experiencing grief or loss, for those who feel some plateau, stagnation, or blocks in their lives or in themselves, and for those who long to embody the truth of who they are on an exponentially deeper level.
Cost of the Rebirthing Journey is $3500
Payment in full due prior to commencement of the intensive. (If payment in full prior to commencement of the intensive prohibits anyone from participating and a payment plan is needed, please contact Christine for options) Payment may be made with Zelle, CashApp, Check, or Cash. (Credit Cards may be used with a 3% added charge for processing fees)
Spots are limited.
Please reserve with Payment in full (or a $1500 deposit/1st payment for those in need of a payment plan) as soon as possible to reserve your spot, and no later than August 25th. You may contact Christine via phone call or text at 727-410-6719, or via email at
Cancellation Policy
Spots are limited, and so reservation of a spot prohibits another client from occupying that spot. Payments in full and any deposits or partial payments are non-refundable after 3 days from receipt, and in any event, are non-refundable after August 25th, 2023.
Journey Testimonials
Testimonials from Journey Participants
Christine is an incredible and skillful healer! She has a way of listening and connecting in to what is really true for me in a way I have never been able to do for myself! I have spent so many years “working on my woundedness” and trying to heal so that I could feel more connected to myself and the world around me. Until working with Christine I had never been able to do that. I always fell back into old patterns and routines, wondering if things could ever really change.
I took the Oneness Journey where I met with Christine weekly, and she and the template she created has entirely changed the way I view myself and my place in the world-I am connected to myself and honor myself in ways I never dreamed possible! She has been an invaluable gift to me! I don’t know that I have the words to fully express my gratitude I have for what she has helped me to achieve in my heart and in my life.
I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to create change in their life that previously thought unattainable! She is skilled and humble and I feel blessed to have had the privilege to have worked with her!
~ Lisa G. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just walked by the window of our new home and my view was puppies playing in our dog park. I am feeling an extreme amount of gratitude. Without the journey we experienced with Christine, I wouldn’t have had the trust, faith and courage to chase my dreams. Now I am standing here, unpacking boxes on a crisp mountain morning and have warm tears of joy streaming down my face.
~ Mackenzie A. in a message to her journey-mates post journey
I recently went on a journey of self-discovery and rebirth with Christine. As I integrate my experience, I continue to come back to Christine’s ability to be such a powerful and loving guide. At each step of the journey she knew just what I needed during our sessions to assist me in coming home to myself. Christine held sacred space for me to be myself and go at my own pace.
We were a group of ten beautiful souls who came together several times during our three- month rebirthing journey to integrate and share our pain and magic. Christine creates a safe and grounded space where growth and transformation unfold in perfect timing. I am grateful that I gave myself the gift of healing with Christine. She is truly magical in her ability to be fully present to hold what is longing to come up and be transformed and healed.
~ Laura F.
I first started working with Christine in 2018. I credit her facilitation with helping me gain confidence in embracing my spirituality and healing long-held wounds. The three-month Rebirthing Journey accelerated the process.
Everything happens with Divine Timing, and the journey could not have come at a more appropriate moment in my life. At the end, I felt completely cleansed – as well as planted. Now, nearly four months later, I feel like I’m starting to bloom. It’s thanks to Christine and the other wonderful Souls in the group, who were all so brave in their vulnerability, that I feel excited and ready for whatever the next chapters of my life bring.
Thank you, Christine, for the gift of your work.
~ Sushil C.
I recently experienced the power, love and support of being a part of Higher Self Healing’s 3-Month Intensive/Rebirthing Journey. The past year was difficult, the last half was exceptionally challenging. Because I was in the process of this rebirthing journey while life was being wild, I was able to face all of the moments with grace and clarity, or better yet, I was able to go with the flow:-)
The weekly sessions with Christine were insightful and always healing. The group sessions, which I was initially pretty anxious about, were equally as important and transformative. A safe space was created for all to share, support and heal. I deeply respect this group and this process.
I’m a few months post-rebirth/awakening now. I still feel great. I have tools I didn’t have in the past. I have a good relationship with my feelings. I feel close to my new, true self and so much love. I’m excited for my spiritual journey to continue.Christine is a true healer and guide. I’ll be forever grateful for this journey.
~ Mackenzie A.
Christine completely changed my life by guiding me down a path of healing, self-discovery, and trust in self. She helped me facilitate healing from within, by guiding me to the root of the issue or concern I would present in each session. We would then work through what I was missing or needed during that moment in time whether it was forgiveness, protection, love, strength, etc. This resulted in me healing old wounds and breaking the cycle of old patterns, habits, and choices…. It is clear to me now the same situations were being presented to me over and over, to teach me a lesson(s) and to help me grow.
It’s hard to put into words what happens during a session with Christine. It is something that is felt. Deep within yourself, your soul, down to the core of who you are. Not only do I feel the effects of her healing, but to have both friends and family, old and new, acknowledge your glow, strength, and personal growth…it really makes your heart happy.
~ Adrianna M.
I originally found Christine through the Barbara Brennan School’s website. After reading through several other practioners’ bios and exploring their websites, I felt guided to make an appointment with Christine. From my very first session, I noticed a powerful shift in my consciousness and experienced an intense spiritual healing. Joining the spring/summer 2024 embodiment journey is something I am grateful I allowed for myself, it was magnificent! This is not “cookie-cutter” therapeutics. This is an individualized, differentiated shamanic, spiritual experience that will lead you on the path most divinely orchestrated toward what your True Self/Higher Self is calling for. Higher Self Massage & Healing offers a truly sacred physical and emotional space for your sessions. You will know when you walk through the door what I mean; it is something that can be felt immediately.
During the journey, I discovered fragments of self longing to be brought home and learned a wealth of information, specific to me and my ancestors. Each session and every interaction are infused with Christine’s many gifts such as: song, channeling, light language, HSP, shamanic healing; spiritual counseling –to name a few. She has an impressive ability to respect you as a holy being, no matter how you show up or what you might say. Her love for all of humanity is felt as she works tirelessly to guide and support you every step of the way. For the first time in my life, I felt 100% seen, heard, known, understood, nurtured, and respected.
The journey is not final after 13 weeks, in fact it is only partially completed; after the closing ceremony, integration is the next stage of “the work”. Integration is an important aspect of the journey that unfolds organically over the following weeks and months. This journey is for anyone who is absolutely committed to the process and who is open to receiving the abundance of loving support, encouragement and truth that awaits all of us when we agree we are worthy to Know and be Known. As with any journey, there may be challenges a person must face. My honesty and vulnerability was held in such compassion, empathy, wisdom and confidentiality by Christine. I was able to say what I needed to say, without a filter or fear of judgement or abandonment. There are always plenty of tissues available, or even a soft pillow to throw against the wall if venting is what is needed!
Self-realization is composed of the many moments we prioritize knowing who we are, what we are and how we serve…until we finally surrender completely to the Divine and remember ourselves, and embody our true name: I. Am. To anyone considering a session or a journey with Christine, my best advice is: “if you feel the nudge, then follow up on it and make an appointment or give her a call.” This could be the start of some very profound and deep healing that you’ve been craving.
~ Kathy A.
Five stars!
For a truly nurturing and transformative experience, look no further than Higher Self Massage and Healing with Christine Loving. Christine offers, without a doubt, the best massage I’ve ever had. Her touch is extraordinary- seamlessly blending relaxation with deep, restorative relief.
What sets Christine apart is not just her skill and caring approach but also her magical healing energy and intentionality. Each session feels like a journey into a realm of profound peace and personal renewal. Her energy work is powerful and has led me to deep whole-self mending and integration through healing massage, energy sessions, and intensive workshops and retreats.
Christine’s approach is as open and loving as it is direct and insightful. She embodies a rare combination of kindness and clarity, making every interaction with her feel both comforting and transformational. Her ability to connect on such a resonate level is truly special, and her genuine devotion to full, energetic healing shines through in every aspect of her practice.
If you’re feeling even a hint of a call towards healing and rejuvenation, trust that it’s leading you to Higher Self Massage and Healing. Christine’s space is a sanctuary where you can truly reconnect with your higher self. Be open to the call and embrace an opportunity to experience the exceptional care and transformative energy that Christine lovingly provides.
~Thomas E.
I took the Oneness Journey where I met with Christine weekly, and she and the template she created has entirely changed the way I view myself and my place in the world-I am connected to myself and honor myself in ways I never dreamed possible! She has been an invaluable gift to me! I don’t know that I have the words to fully express my gratitude I have for what she has helped me to achieve in my heart and in my life.
I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to create change in their life that previously thought unattainable! She is skilled and humble and I feel blessed to have had the privilege to have worked with her!
~ Lisa G. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just walked by the window of our new home and my view was puppies playing in our dog park. I am feeling an extreme amount of gratitude. Without the journey we experienced with Christine, I wouldn’t have had the trust, faith and courage to chase my dreams. Now I am standing here, unpacking boxes on a crisp mountain morning and have warm tears of joy streaming down my face.
~ Mackenzie A. in a message to her journey-mates post journey
I recently went on a journey of self-discovery and rebirth with Christine. As I integrate my experience, I continue to come back to Christine’s ability to be such a powerful and loving guide. At each step of the journey she knew just what I needed during our sessions to assist me in coming home to myself. Christine held sacred space for me to be myself and go at my own pace.
We were a group of ten beautiful souls who came together several times during our three- month rebirthing journey to integrate and share our pain and magic. Christine creates a safe and grounded space where growth and transformation unfold in perfect timing. I am grateful that I gave myself the gift of healing with Christine. She is truly magical in her ability to be fully present to hold what is longing to come up and be transformed and healed.
~ Laura F.
I first started working with Christine in 2018. I credit her facilitation with helping me gain confidence in embracing my spirituality and healing long-held wounds. The three-month Rebirthing Journey accelerated the process.
Everything happens with Divine Timing, and the journey could not have come at a more appropriate moment in my life. At the end, I felt completely cleansed – as well as planted. Now, nearly four months later, I feel like I’m starting to bloom. It’s thanks to Christine and the other wonderful Souls in the group, who were all so brave in their vulnerability, that I feel excited and ready for whatever the next chapters of my life bring.
Thank you, Christine, for the gift of your work.
~ Sushil C.
I recently experienced the power, love and support of being a part of Higher Self Healing’s 3-Month Intensive/Rebirthing Journey. The past year was difficult, the last half was exceptionally challenging. Because I was in the process of this rebirthing journey while life was being wild, I was able to face all of the moments with grace and clarity, or better yet, I was able to go with the flow:-)
The weekly sessions with Christine were insightful and always healing. The group sessions, which I was initially pretty anxious about, were equally as important and transformative. A safe space was created for all to share, support and heal. I deeply respect this group and this process.
I’m a few months post-rebirth/awakening now. I still feel great. I have tools I didn’t have in the past. I have a good relationship with my feelings. I feel close to my new, true self and so much love. I’m excited for my spiritual journey to continue.Christine is a true healer and guide. I’ll be forever grateful for this journey.
~ Mackenzie A.
Christine completely changed my life by guiding me down a path of healing, self-discovery, and trust in self. She helped me facilitate healing from within, by guiding me to the root of the issue or concern I would present in each session. We would then work through what I was missing or needed during that moment in time whether it was forgiveness, protection, love, strength, etc. This resulted in me healing old wounds and breaking the cycle of old patterns, habits, and choices…. It is clear to me now the same situations were being presented to me over and over, to teach me a lesson(s) and to help me grow.
It’s hard to put into words what happens during a session with Christine. It is something that is felt. Deep within yourself, your soul, down to the core of who you are. Not only do I feel the effects of her healing, but to have both friends and family, old and new, acknowledge your glow, strength, and personal growth…it really makes your heart happy.
~ Adrianna M.
I originally found Christine through the Barbara Brennan School’s website. After reading through several other practioners’ bios and exploring their websites, I felt guided to make an appointment with Christine. From my very first session, I noticed a powerful shift in my consciousness and experienced an intense spiritual healing. Joining the spring/summer 2024 embodiment journey is something I am grateful I allowed for myself, it was magnificent! This is not “cookie-cutter” therapeutics. This is an individualized, differentiated shamanic, spiritual experience that will lead you on the path most divinely orchestrated toward what your True Self/Higher Self is calling for. Higher Self Massage & Healing offers a truly sacred physical and emotional space for your sessions. You will know when you walk through the door what I mean; it is something that can be felt immediately.
During the journey, I discovered fragments of self longing to be brought home and learned a wealth of information, specific to me and my ancestors. Each session and every interaction are infused with Christine’s many gifts such as: song, channeling, light language, HSP, shamanic healing; spiritual counseling –to name a few. She has an impressive ability to respect you as a holy being, no matter how you show up or what you might say. Her love for all of humanity is felt as she works tirelessly to guide and support you every step of the way. For the first time in my life, I felt 100% seen, heard, known, understood, nurtured, and respected.
The journey is not final after 13 weeks, in fact it is only partially completed; after the closing ceremony, integration is the next stage of “the work”. Integration is an important aspect of the journey that unfolds organically over the following weeks and months. This journey is for anyone who is absolutely committed to the process and who is open to receiving the abundance of loving support, encouragement and truth that awaits all of us when we agree we are worthy to Know and be Known. As with any journey, there may be challenges a person must face. My honesty and vulnerability was held in such compassion, empathy, wisdom and confidentiality by Christine. I was able to say what I needed to say, without a filter or fear of judgement or abandonment. There are always plenty of tissues available, or even a soft pillow to throw against the wall if venting is what is needed!
Self-realization is composed of the many moments we prioritize knowing who we are, what we are and how we serve…until we finally surrender completely to the Divine and remember ourselves, and embody our true name: I. Am. To anyone considering a session or a journey with Christine, my best advice is: “if you feel the nudge, then follow up on it and make an appointment or give her a call.” This could be the start of some very profound and deep healing that you’ve been craving.
~ Kathy A.
Five stars!
For a truly nurturing and transformative experience, look no further than Higher Self Massage and Healing with Christine Loving. Christine offers, without a doubt, the best massage I’ve ever had. Her touch is extraordinary- seamlessly blending relaxation with deep, restorative relief.
What sets Christine apart is not just her skill and caring approach but also her magical healing energy and intentionality. Each session feels like a journey into a realm of profound peace and personal renewal. Her energy work is powerful and has led me to deep whole-self mending and integration through healing massage, energy sessions, and intensive workshops and retreats.
Christine’s approach is as open and loving as it is direct and insightful. She embodies a rare combination of kindness and clarity, making every interaction with her feel both comforting and transformational. Her ability to connect on such a resonate level is truly special, and her genuine devotion to full, energetic healing shines through in every aspect of her practice.
If you’re feeling even a hint of a call towards healing and rejuvenation, trust that it’s leading you to Higher Self Massage and Healing. Christine’s space is a sanctuary where you can truly reconnect with your higher self. Be open to the call and embrace an opportunity to experience the exceptional care and transformative energy that Christine lovingly provides.
~Thomas E.